I Know I am not suppose to..and it may seem like it's too harsh, but I use this scrub on my face once a week. This leaves my skin smooth and tight...originally for hands.

Moore Unique Toner Cream Glycolic Texturizer & Lightener This was on sale at Walmart for $6.00, originally priced at $8.32
This is a LIFE SAVER. Yes, I had to put them in all caps! After using a microdermabrasion home kit, it left me with dead skin around my mouth. It looked horrible and it aged me. It lasted for months and there was nothing that I could use to remove it no matter what I tried. Then I decided to put this on. It does sting a bit, but that is because it is removing the dead skin off the face. It did wonders! This is a staple. Now my skin is radiant. Please try this product if you are looking to rid yourself of dead skin on your face.

Super Max Kwik Triple Blade Disposable Razors. These are GREAT razors...5 for $1. Now before purchasing these at "Dollar Tree" I would use 1 razor for each leg and toss. With Super Max Kwik 3, I only have to use one razor. Even after that it is still good to use over and over again! I am very pleased. No nicks either. Please try this you will love it!
Foot troubles?

Got the best deal, plus quality from ebay....
Pedicure Foot Rasp Callus Skin Remover Shaver 100 Blade
won it for $4.50
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