Beauty: the power by which a woman
charms a lover and
terrifies a husband.
Dorothy Dandridge, Joan Crawford (early)
and Kim Novak, all have
the best brows. Imitate them!

This is the look I am going for. Dorothy's eyes are so beautiful...Love her eyebrows and this is the way I want my brows. Unlike some eyebrows today, Dorothy's are well defined, but not too dark. It takes a real artful hand to achieve this affect.
One of the cosmetic lines Dorothy used was Max Factor...

Loved Kim Novak's eyebrows in Vertigo (1958) These are dark and thick...
What I have always used on my brows is Maybelline's Great Lash Waterproof Mascara in Very Black (Walmart, special 2 for $4.50) great price because that is usually around the price for one.
Groom my brows with Murray's Pomade

. Wipe it off, then pluck any sparse hairs with flat head tweezers. Then groom with eyebrow brush

Then I would take the mascara wand and lightly stroke over my brows. At the tail of the brow I would use a eyeliner pencil in black. Then after a minute or so I would lightly, lightly brush the brows upwards to give them the same look of
Dorothy Dandridges Brows...

How to Grow Eyebrows Back
You can, however, grow your eyebrows a lot faster through natural and scientific methods. You can start with the following:

Vaseline. Vaseline is also another favorite product for growing beautiful eyebrows. The procedure is almost the same as olive oil, though you may have to apply this at least twice a day. If the olive oil can speed up the growth of hairs, Vaseline can promote thicker eyebrows, which you need to make them appear bolder. You can also have more control as to how you can thin out your eyebrows later on.

your background is so hot ; love em shoes !
Thank You Selmyra!
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